Thursday, January 5, 2012

Another one of my favorite reasons to be a teacher!

Ok today is kicking my butt again today - I need another two weeks off :). But the highlight of my day ... Seeing one of my favorites!!

This student graduated the year that Xman was born and I missed almost the last. Three months of his senior year in AP Bio.

As a freshman he was very impressive and inquisitive and loved biology. We spoke in the hall and he came to visit before and after school during those in between years of chemistry and physics.

During AP Biology just after we were learning about Bryophytes (mosses) he and a friend saw moss growing on a tree branch, broke the branch and brought it into class. Awesome! He actually pouted all of his senior year because I did not allow him to be my teacher's aide. Not because I didn't want him in there, but because he was so super excited about biology I thought he might interrupt class and participate with the freshmen too much, and because I figured I would be distracted by him and talk to him too much too. I felt so bad not having him as my teacher's aide. But I loved having him in my AP Bio class and NHS. He is a quality individual!

He is at A&M and not loving organic Chem but loving college - maybe too much, maybe at the expense of his GPA. I can completely relate to that!

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