Friday, October 28, 2011

The best sound

The little boy laughing while Daddy is getting him ready in the morning and playing with him

Friday, October 21, 2011

Better than sex cake

I am making Robert's birthday cake. The person who made it for us first called it better than sex cake, but it looks unlike other recipes I have seen for other cakes with the same name. So here is our version ...

1 boxed butter cake mix, prepared
1 can crushed pineapple
1 cup sugar
1 pkg vanilla pudding, prepared
1 pkg cool whip

Once cake baked and cooled, use a fork to poke holes all over cake.

In small pan heat pineapple and cup of sugar. Bring to a boil and pour over cake. Let cool.

Mix pudding and cool whip and pour over cooled cake. Keep cake refrigerated! So yummy! Happy Birthday to Robert!

Grossest parenting moment so far ...

I really didn't know if he could ever top the previous grossest moment. When he was just a few months old he puked so much that he and I were drenched in vomit. And he did a pretty good job covering the couch and carpet as well. And I was home by myself. It was quite the juggle to clean him and me and then the house. But tonight he has topped it!

I smelled him, he had pooped. So I tried to direct him to his room, but he ran into the kitchen and I could HEAR that he was still pooping and I knew this was going to be gross ...

So I went to get him and notice that a little bit of the side of his pants are wet ... then I look down to his shoe ... and there is poop on his shoe ... and on the floor. I watched a video of a human birth three times in Anatomy class today and that was no where near as gross as cleaning poop from him, his clothes, his shoes and the floor!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Xman the builder

He builds structures as tall as he is!

Another dr visit

Well I was apparently misdiagnosed ... I think they should give me a refund for the visit and the medicine I didn't need!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Personal care ...

I have a gross rash ... I know what your thinking ... don't be gross. So went to have it checked out by a doc in the box. He said fungus, and gave me a topical cream for ringworm. I hated it. One day I went to work, and had inadvertently skipped my treatment. Best day of my life! So I thought it was my imagination and put that damned creaming gain. Oh the burning and stinging!!!! Oh Holy Mother! So I started researching this cream - looks like I am allergic to it. So the next day I called the doctor that diagnosed me less than a week before. I talked to a nurse. She said to stop treatment - no sh*t!

Then said she could not prescribe anything else with out collecting another copay, I mean without seeing me again.

So I asked if she could recommend an OTC cream with different active ingredient since I had an upcoming appointment with my normal doctor. She again said she could not recommend anything without collecting another copay ... Man, I messed up again ... I mean without seeing me. I can recommend something to her!

I disregarded her non-recommendations and got something OTC. It is itching like a mo' fo' but I will seethe doctor on Monday and I am about to go and take some benadryl ...

It's probably a doctor that had to cheat in college to make a lower grade in Embryology than I did!