Saturday, January 14, 2012

Best ever smoothie!

One of the healthier things I have been trying to do is getting all five colors of fruits and veggies a day. But I am broke and fresh fruits and veggies tend to go bad a little too quickly for me. But I have been getting almost all of them thanks to a spinach salad for lunch and this smoothie.

1/2 c frozen fruit
1 banana
1-2 T wheat germ
2 oz nonfat plain yogurt
3 oz pineapple juice
1/2 c water if yogurt and pineapple juice is frozen

I am trying to make this very convenient for myself so I pre-package everything I can. One ice cube is one ounce, if you are looking for ice cube trays for this purpose it is worth getting the more expense trays at target or Walmart. I tried the cheapo ones for the first round of Xman's baby food experiment, then went and bought the better ones.

I put the 1/2 cup frozen fruit in a plastic bag and then add 2 cubes of yogurt and three cubes of pineapple juice. That way when I come home I break up a banana in the blender, add wheat germ and them grab a bag from the freezer and blend away.

The yogurt only comes in giant tubs, so I started putting it in ice cube trays and freezing it so I can pre-package my smoothies and not have to worry about the yogurt going bad or measuring it every day.

When I started I had 6 oz cans of pineapple juice, so I would pour in 1/2 of a can and then put the rest in in container in the fridge for the next day. Once I finished all the little cans I bought a big can (to save a whopping 20 cents!) so I put a couple-of-days-worth jn containers and froze the ret. it just as well frozen, but you need to add about 1/2 c water.


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