Friday, December 3, 2010

day 3

Nervous System notes for Anatomy! You are welcome!  An english teacher @ my school tells the students that every time you use an exclamation point you kill a kitten! We need cats to dissect for Anatomy!  Please feel free to join  me inmy quest for lab supplies!

day 2 (on day 3)

Xman is 9 months old.  His check-up went well.  18lbs 2oz & 28in long (he started at 3lbs 7 oz &16 3/4in long).  We need to start brushing his two teeth & work on saying mama & dada & waving.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Advent Calendar of blogs!

A post a day until Christmas!!   I counted pennies, had a meltdown and sent a email getting onto a coworker - Bah Humbug! But today I also listened to my favorite Christmas music and hubby bought me a new Christmas album (by my fav band)  for tomorrow!