Friday, February 3, 2012

What do I want?

My birthday is Sunday, so I have had a slot of people asking me what I want to to or what I want as a gift. I don't know. I know a few things I need but I am not too excited about ...

The hubby is supposed to me taking me out tomorrow. I don't know where we are going and I am supposed to be in charge of planning ...

I want a game night later this month.

I want a clean house that I don't have to clean by myself.

I want to sleep in until 730 or 8 one morning a week or every other week.

I want my hubby home when we are home more, AND less worries about bills.

I want clothes that I like AND that fit.

I want time to workout without the guilt of pawning the kid off on someone else ...

I want time to go to see a new doctor.

I want an eye appointment and to switch back to contacts.

I want time to play, with my kid, with my friends, with my family and most of all with my husband.

Apparently I want it all ... and I still don't have a plan for tomorrow.

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