Saturday, February 11, 2012

Challenge - changed

Okay, so I am sure you thought I quit ... and I have quit my exercises ... and lost 9lbs. I am planning on exercising again, but can only focus on one thing at a time, and for the past 2ish weeks I have been focusing on counting calories. Once the weather is warmer it will be easier to drag Xman on walks and other such luxuries I cannot contemplate on a 28 degree morning.

I have been using an app on my phone, and although I over shoot my calories most days, I am still getting a bit of success. The weekends are bad, and I spend most of the week working off the weekend, but fortunately it's the weekend plus a little. I saw a number this morning I haven't seen since I was nursing, and before that it had been about a year before Xman. I still have a LONG way to go, but I have gotten started and I am hoping to build on this momentum.

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