Friday, February 13, 2015

Funny Blogs I Read

Looking for something funny to read while I am slacking?  My favorite blog has been Love, Teach for a while now.  She tells the funny stories we all have, and I want to be her friend ... not in a creepy way, but I think she should sit by me at lunch.  Check out a few of my favorite posts 19 Things That Happen When You're a Teacher, Whisper Turtleneck and Things I Said Aloud Today: DEVOLSON Edition.

I found another education blog: Gatsby in LA.  I like this, some is funny, it is very true, my favorites so far are Why do Teachers Obsess That They Are Not Good Enough and here.

My sister-in-law texted me tonight with a new blog Sugar Free Ear Candy.  This is a mommy blog instead of a teaching blog.  She is so funny!  I have liked all the posts I have read, but 20 Good Reasons to Judge Me  inspires me.  You may see a post like this soon.

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