Friday, April 13, 2012

GGT - Day 3

Day three we had planned a trip to a cavern. Top of a mountain one day, underground the next. So we got up and headed to Bull Shoals. This was Friday during Lent, so I couldn't eat meat.

It was a beautiful, hilly, drive on the craziest road o have ever been on. It had so many hairpin turns and there were more curves than straight patches. We saw some beautiful view of the mountains ... and lots of tornado shelters and rebel flags.

So after 2 1/2-3 hour drive up here and based on our hunger issue the day before I asked to eat before we went to the cavern. There were only 2 places in town to choose from, and the one we picked, had a bunch of mounted fish in a case at the front of the restaurant. Xman loves fish! In fact, he loved this fish so much that we couldn't get him in the restaurant without tears. Thankfully there was a fishing net with lures in it about our table and we convinced him they were fish. He wouldn't eat, but I had catfish, and we headed to the cavern.

The cavern was cool, but not what I expected. We got to see a few bats really close up, they were oblivious to the fact that we were there. We saw really cool formations, Xman wanted to touch everything. The caverns were small and dead-ended, but we saw so much on the way back. There was a waterfall, and shield stalagtites, and a box formation, and cool columns. Our guide was good. In fact I dropped Xman's jacket and he mailed it back to us!

Then back to Grandma's town. I was taking pictures of a few of the crazy things we saw and scouting several things I wanted to plant in the yard. And asked Robert, "how many rebel flags have we seen today?". "At least 5" he said. Then I asked, "How many people have we seen that were not white?" "none.". I find this a little more than creepy.

We were wanting to go the fish hatchery, but we're too late. Then we stopped and talked to Robert's friend from high school. That was cut short by his brother's call that he was at Grandma's.

Everyone was wanting to eat at Grandma's. We didn't want to eat at Grandma's. We were not hungry and we made some of them mad. They are food pushers like i have never seen before! We had a great time catching up with brother, then when we were leaving the drama began. His uncle was mad that we weren't stopping by to see an aunt tomorrow on our way home. And apparently we spent too much time talking to Robert's brother. So uncle made a snide comment about "Y'all only came to visit with one another."

Apparently he felt left out, even though the night before we talked with him for a couple of hours. And they were made because we wouldnt come over for breakfast - we needed sleep and didn't want trade sleep for food. Food pushers I tell you!!! Did I mention every time we went there we left with at least one grocery bag of food that they wouldn't let us leave without. As for not stopping on the way home, we had spent more time in the car than out of it for the last three days, and we were ready to be home. And we were on a tighter schedule, because we had to get home in time for Robert to go to work. We were in two towns with my aunts and uncles and didn't have time to see them. Sorry! I digress. The next morning it was time to head home. We had long but uneventful trip home, and made it home in time for Robert to go to work. About an hour before we got home Xman had said Mommy, for about 30 minutes straight, until I finally gave in and gave him his paci, then he tools second nap.

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