8 weeks to go and I am not sure I will make it that long. In fact the AP kids have started a pool making predictions of how much longer I will be at school. Most are only giving me 3-5 weeks, one is giving me all 8 ... I think they underestimate my stubborn-ness.
Mom bought me a belly band which helps to hold my stomach up and helps with some of the pressure on my back. I carry a heating pad with me where ever I go. I am trying to swim everyday to keep my moving, help with the swelling ankles and to give me a little time to relax. I am also having to take tylenol to help with the back pain. I teach from sitting behind my desk for the first time. I only get up at school to pee between each period.
I am having issues finding a comfortable position to sleep in. And I can usually sleep about 3-4 hours at a time now which is an improvement over the past several weeks.
I am drinking lots of water and loving the activity that is still pretty constant in my belly. In fact he is kicking away right now. I am enjoying not having anything to do this weekend or next, because the week after will be busy. Robert's parent will be in for a shower that weekend, then I will have a shower at school, NHS induction, fundraiser coming in and pasta lunch to coordinate. Then spring break - where I plan to do absolutely NOTHING!
I am having more cravings. I want a BLT, a gyro, and good tacos, and strawberries (preferably dipped in chocolate). and maybe another dip cone. and a fresh fruit strawberry popsicle. and hot chocolate. I think I need to think about something else...